#43: Cannon Fire

Another week, another delayed dispatch. I need to get back on track!

The last fortnight has been very busy. I find myself sitting on a Saturday afternoon, catching my breath for the first time in a while. David has taken the kids to a food festival at the big fruit and vegetable market just outside the walls to the north of town. 

I always wonder when the week will come that I will sit down to write you this letter, and I won't have anything much to say. Almost a year into this crazy Italian adventure, and I haven't even come close yet! Every week brings with it so many amusements, challenges, frustrations, victories, and culture clashes that I always have something to write about. 

Right now, for instance, I am typing to the sound of frequent cannon fire. 


Lucca is a city that loves an historical re-enactment like nowhere else I have ever been. It feels like at least once a month the town is filled with people in medieval garb, toting bows and arrows, drums and other historical implements around the place. 

This weekend is Lucca Historiae. An event that celebrates the town's 2000 years of existence - since the Romans started construction of the city and its fortifications in 180 BC. The walls of Lucca act as a giant clock, with each of the major bastions (baluardi) focusing on a specific time in the last two millenium. As always seems to be the case to me (not being the student of history that you are!) when it comes to this sort of thing, all the historical clothing and paraphernalia look kind of the same - although the written guides were very interesting to read.

Celebrations throughout the day have featured non-stop drumming bands and, as mentioned, frequent cannon fire. Both of which I can hear clearly from our apartment.

We waved ciao ciao to Mum on Thursday morning, as she boarded a flight back to Australia. We were all very sad to see her go, but excited that there is already another return trip in the diary to look forward to. It was so nice to have her here and show her our new apartment and our increasingly settled life here. Not to mention to help celebrate the momentous second birthday of Leo, Prince of Lucca. AND a lovely weekend spent on Isola d'Elba - a gorgeous Tuscan island with clear water and endless seafood to eat. My Italian version of Stradbroke Island - just without the surf unfortunately!

Yesterday was our first very hot day of the summer, and it gave us a small taste of things to come. We had to fight our Australian urge to immediately turn on the air conditioning, as it is very important that we save that for when it is really needed. This is one aspect of my life in which I am rapidly becoming an Italian. The air conditioning is basically off limits, especially overnight. Don't ask me why, because I can't really explain it. It just is.

Lots of love and hugs as always.


#44: In Pursuit of Perfect Cross Ventilation


#42: The Hills Are Alive